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Shadows Fall Away
Shadows Fall Away
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  • Published: September 23, 2014
  • Pages: 443
  • ISBN: 9781939765451
  • Genre: Fiction Books

Shadows Fall Away

Kit Forbes

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Kit’s interesting young adult book “Shadows Fall Away” has elements of mystery, historical fiction, and time travel. The main character of the story is Mark Stewart in danger of turning into a juvenile offender. His parents send him to live with his eccentric aunt Agatha in London, where she becomes enthralled with Jack the Ripper in an attempt to turn him around.

In an odd turn of events, Mark gets struck by lightning and awakens in Victorian-era London in 1888. He’s a suspect since he knows about the unsolved murders. Mark launches into the inquiry, thinking that figuring out who killed the people will get him back home. He also tries to keep Genie Trembly, a girl who might have drawn the Ripper’s attention, safe.

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