She Sat He Stood

She Sat He Stood

Published: October 7, 2014

Tagged Genres



  • File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 0
  • Total Pages: 80
  • Size: 0.4 MB
  • ISBN: 0986055751
  • Reading: 2hr 40min


“She Sat He Stood: How Do Your Characters Engage in Conversation?” by Ginger Hanson is an insightful e-book designed for beginning and intermediate authors. The award-winning author of this book concentrates on dialogue and offers helpful advice on how to include setting, body language, and objects in scenes.

By doing this authors can add more nuance to their characters’ personalities and improve the flow of their speech. Ginger Hanson shows practical methods for avoiding the common mistakes of having characters just stand, sit, or stare out of a window during a conversation using examples from plays, movies, and books.


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