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Station Eleven
Station Eleven
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  • Published: 2014
  • Pages: 290
  • ISBN: 9780385353304
  • Downloads: 41
  • Genre: Fantasy

Station Eleven

Emily St. John Mandel

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Download the “Station Eleven” Book PDF from here or read the book online right now. It was written by Emily St. John Mandel. it’s narrative is set in the Great Lakes region, before and after a catastrophic swine flu pandemic, termed the “Georgia Flu,” which eradicates most of humanity. The plot centers on a renowned Hollywood actor, his potential rescuer, and a wandering troupe of actors and musicians who traverse the sparse settlements of the Great Lakes region. The narrative oscillates between the pre-collapse era and the subsequent two decades, providing insights into the protagonists’ lives. The novel has made a significant impact in literature and has been honored with the Arthur C. Clarke Award.

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