The Creed_ Book 4 in the Unwill - Andrew Maclure

The Creed

Published: March 10, 2023

Tagged Genres



  • File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 0
  • Total Pages: 436
  • Size: 2.00 MB
  • Reading: 14hr 32min


The fourth novel in the Unwilling From Earth series is “The Creed,” written by Andrew Maclure. Sally and Mark have been leading the crew on rescue operations against outcasts across the galaxy for the past two years, following the conflict against Slarwin. But because they’re not being pushed, the team is growing impatient.

Mark decides to intervene after noticing an unexplained rise in pariah attacks. Sally teams up with two odd allies to go undercover and investigate the situation. The narrative of the book centers on Mark, Mike, and Renny as they set out on a hilarious and action-packed new adventure.


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