The Darkest Temptation Book, PDF download from here or read this book online from here. “The Darkest Temptation” is the third installment in Danielle Lori’s Made series. The story centers around Mila, a woman who has always adhered to societal norms, from her looks to her choice of college boys as partners. Yet, she seeks answers about her father’s frequent absences and his prohibition on her visiting her birthplace, Russia.
Determined to uncover the truth, she embarks on a journey to Moscow. Along the way, she is drawn to a man with unexplained wealth, tattoos on his hands, and secrets in his eyes. However, his touch soon becomes a harsh grip, muffling her cries. As she braves a harsh Russian winter, Mila realizes that her only escape is to accomplish the unthinkable and thaw her captor’s heart.