The Devil's Third

The Devil’s Third

Published: November 20, 2013

Tagged Genres

FantasyScience Fiction


  • File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 0
  • Total Pages: 308
  • Size: 1.62 MB
  • ISBN: 0615907881
  • Reading: 10hr 16min


Rebekkah Ford’s “The Devil’s Third” is the fascinating capstone to the “Beyond the Eyes” series. The narrative centers on eighteen-year-old Paige Reed, who possesses magical skills and a strength that the leader of the dark spirits longs for. The story is set in the hazy town of Astoria, Oregon.

Paige must use her newly discovered abilities to save her closest friend from a coma, which forces her to enter into a deal with the leader of the evil spirits. The book explores Paige’s perilous scheme to subjugate the evil spirits and the possible consequences should she fall short.


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