The First 90 Days

The First 90 Days

Published: 2003


  • File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 147
  • Total Pages: 206
  • Size: 2.75 MB
  • ISBN: 9781422188613
  • Reading: 6hr 52min


The First 90 Days book pdf download completely free or read online from here. Michael D. Watkins’s “The First 90 Days” is a valuable resource for leaders navigating career transitions. It provides strategies for swiftly adjusting to new roles. The book underscores the criticality of the initial three months in a new position, which can set the tone for your success.

It tackles the challenges in today’s professional environment, where managers are expected to handle frequent transitions and meet higher expectations. Whether you’re embarking on a new job, receiving a promotion, or undertaking an international assignment, this book offers the necessary guidance.


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