The Great Pretender

The Great Pretender

Published: 2019


  • File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 6
  • Total Pages: 377
  • Size: 6.38 MB
  • ISBN: 9781538715284
  • Reading: 12hr 34min


The Great Pretender free pdf books download from here or read it online right here. Susannah Cahalan’s “The Great Pretender” is a compelling narrative that delves into the realm of mental health. It brings to light an audacious experiment conducted in the 1970s by David Rosenhan, a psychologist from Stanford. In this experiment, eight perfectly healthy individuals went incognito into mental institutions, thereby questioning the very essence of insanity. This daring act led to a paradigm shift in how mental health diagnoses were perceived. Cahalan’s book offers an in-depth analysis of this groundbreaking experiment and its far-reaching consequences.


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