The Inner Game of Tennis

The Inner Game of Tennis

Published: 1974


  • File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 21
  • Total Pages: 145
  • Size: 1.20 MB
  • ISBN: 9780679778318
  • Reading: 4hr 50min


The Inner Game of Tennis free pdf book download from here or read this book online. W. Timothy Gallwey’s “The Inner Game of Tennis” is a revolutionary book that delves into the psychological components of achieving excellence in tennis. Gallwey presents the idea of “Self 1” and “Self 2” to illustrate the internal conflicts players encounter. The book underscores that triumph in tennis isn’t solely about mastering physical skills, but about attaining a “relaxed concentration” state and conquering mental obstacles such as self-doubt and anxiety. This seminal guide has had a profound impact not only on athletes but also on individuals in business, healthcare, and education sectors.


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