• File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 23
  • Total Pages: 343
  • Size: 4.2 MB
  • Reading: 11hr 26min


The Irrational Ape free pdf book, download it right here or read the book online completely free. David Robert Grimes’ “The Irrational Ape” is an insightful exploration into the strengths and weaknesses of human reasoning. Grimes demonstrates how our flawed logic can lead us to make serious errors and draw incorrect conclusions. He underscores the significance of critical thinking in navigating our contemporary world, which is riddled with misinformation and untruths. The book is filled with case studies and examples, equipping readers with practical strategies to sidestep such mistakes. It’s a relevant read in a time where social movements can unite through social media, and the potential of modern science is within our reach.


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