• File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 252
  • Total Pages: 271
  • Size: 1.07 MB
  • ISBN: 9781616208189
  • Reading: 9hr 2min


The Mountains Sing, You can find the Free pdf book from our site here, or read the complete book online from here. The Mountains Sing” is a family saga that unfolds in the midst of the Việt Nam War. The narrative alternates between Trần Diệu Lan, who had to abandon her family’s farm during the Land Reform, and her granddaughter, Hương, who matures as her relatives join the war. The book is rich in historical context, evocative descriptions, and poetic prose.

It provides an insider’s view of Việt Nam’s history. The novel has been lauded for its profound exploration of Vietnam’s past and its poignant homage to the resilience and sacrifice of its people during turbulent times. It stands as a testament to Que Mai’s narrative prowess and the indomitable spirit of the Vietnamese people.


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