The Secret Seven

The Secret Seven

Published: 1949


  • File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 80
  • Total Pages: 53
  • Size: 0.34 MB
  • ISBN: 9780340917541
  • Reading: 1hr 46min


The Secret Seven PDF book, download the document for free right here, or read the book online from here too. The Secret Seven is a collection of children’s novels penned by Enid Blyton. The narrative centers around a group of child sleuths known as the Secret Seven Society.

The stories unfold during the school term, as the characters are day scholars. The Secret Seven Society is inspired by the publisher’s children and is one of several juvenile detective series authored by Blyton. The members of the Secret Seven Society embark on various thrilling adventures, unraveling mysteries and tackling challenges.


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