The Tower of Nero

The Tower of Nero

Published: 2020

Tagged Genres



  • File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 28
  • Total Pages: 306
  • Size: 6.71 MB
  • ISBN: 9781484746455
  • Reading: 10hr 12min


The Tower of Nero free PDF version of the book can be downloaded from here, you can also read the book online from here. The Tower of Nero continues the saga of the Greek god Apollo, who has been banished to earth as a teenager named Lester Papadopoulos. Having survived onslaughts from ravenous ghouls, a malevolent Roman king and his undead army, and the deadly emperors Caligula and Commodus, Lester and his demigod master Meg are guided by a prophecy revealed by Ella the harpy.

Their ultimate test awaits them at the Tower of Nero in New York. Will Apollo, in his powerless form, have to contend with his archenemy, Python?


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