This Much is True

This Much is True

Published: 2021


  • File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 67
  • Total Pages: 405
  • Size: 4.62 MB
  • Reading: 13hr 30min


This Much is True download the PDF book for free right here. “This Much is True” is the memoir of Miriam Margolyes, an award-winning actress celebrated for her diverse roles, including Lady Whiteadder and Professor Sprout.

The book is filled with amusing anecdotes, such as her confession of love to Vanessa Redgrave and a humorous encounter with the Queen. With a star-studded cast ranging from Scorsese to Streisand, and a cross-dressing Leonardo di Caprio to Isaiah Berlin, “This Much Is True” mirrors the vibrancy and unexpected twists of its author’s life.


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