Washington A Life By Ron Chernow

Washington A Life By Ron Chernow

Published: 2010


  • File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 9
  • Total Pages: 817
  • Size: 12.78 MB
  • ISBN: 9781594202667
  • Reading: 27hr 14min


Washington A Life By Ron Chernow free PDF copy of this book download from here. “Washington: A Life” is a comprehensive biography by Ron Chernow that offers a detailed depiction of George Washington, the inaugural president of the United States.

The book traverses Washington’s adventurous youth, his heroic endeavors during the Revolutionary War, his pivotal role in the Constitutional Convention, and his tenure as America’s first president. Chernow’s work, grounded in thorough research, shatters the stereotype of Washington as a stoic, unemotional figure, portraying him as a fervent man with intense opinions and varied moods. The book was honored with the 2011 Pulitzer Prize for Biography.


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