We Moderns: Enigmas and Guesses

We Moderns: Enigmas and Guesses

Published: January 1, 1920

Tagged Genres



  • File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 0
  • Total Pages: 135
  • Size: 0.6 MB
  • Reading: 4hr 30min


We Moderns: Enigmas and Guesses is a collection of essays that speaks about the complexities of modernity. The book is divided into different chapters that chronicle essays based on different aspects of the Modern age. Starting by giving an introduction to better explore the enigmatic aspects of the contemporary world. After that, the essay starts speaking of the Old Age; where he reflects on the passage of time, the weight of history, and then the tension between tradition and progress. After that, it goes deeper into the contemporary world and the struggles of humanity. After that, it goes deeper into the topics.


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