With God in Russia By Walter Ciszek

With God in Russia

Published: 1964


  • File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 45
  • Total Pages: 348
  • Size: 2.48 MB
  • ISBN: 9780898705744
  • Reading: 11hr 36min


Download the free PDF copy of With God in Russia By Walter Ciszek book right here. “With God in Russia” by Walter Ciszek is a poignant autobiography of an American Jesuit priest who endured fifteen years in a Soviet gulag during the Cold War’s peak.

The narrative details his twenty-three-year ordeal in Siberian prison camps, where he was wrongly labeled an “American spy.” Despite the severe conditions and daily hardships, Ciszek’s unwavering faith in God and adherence to his priestly vows remained steadfast. His journey is a powerful testament to human endurance and the strength of faith in the face of adversity.


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