Working Fire

Working Fire

Published: August 29, 2017


  • File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 5
  • Total Pages: 300
  • Size: 1.8 MB
  • ISBN: 9781542095723
  • Reading: 10hr


Emily Bleeker’s riveting book “Working Fire” expresses the lives of two sisters Amelia and her considerably younger sister Ellie. Despite the sacrifices they have made to take care of their sick father the past will eventually catch up with them all. Ellie, a paramedic lives a routine life until something unexpected happens a 911 dispatch.

She finds that Amelia and her husband Steve have been shot during a home invasion as she rushes to the scene. Ellie discovers disturbing information about their family’s background. While Amelia battles for her life, upending her assumptions and making her consider who has her best interests at heart.


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