The Wisdom Codes: Ancient Words to Rewire Our Brains and Heal Our Hearts

The Wisdom Codes

Published: 2020


  • File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 108
  • Total Pages: 187
  • Size: 4.1 MB
  • Reading: 6hr 14min


The Wisdom Codes, download the pdf book from here for free. In “The Wisdom Codes: Ancient Words to Rewire Our Brains and Heal Our Hearts,” Gregg Braden merges neurolinguistics and spiritual wisdom to present a set of key words that can alter our brain’s wiring.

The book explores how language structure can modify the connections between neurons in our brains and hearts. It proposes that our forebears intuitively grasped this connection and crafted specific word patterns to provide comfort, healing, strength, and inner power during challenging times. These potent words were preserved in prayers, chants, mantras, hymns, and sacred texts. The book serves as a guide to understanding these wisdom codes and how to utilize them in our lives.


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