A Shadow on the Glass

A Shadow on the Glass

Published: January 1, 1998

Tagged Genres



  • File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 1
  • Total Pages: 577
  • Size: 3.01 MB
  • ISBN: 9780140271966
  • Reading: 19hr 14min


Ian Irvine’s novel “A Shadow on the Glass” is the first in the “A View from the Mirror” series. Karan, a sensitive person from a family stricken by madness, is the protagonist of the tale. She is forced by honor to take an old magical instrument the Mirror of Aachan which is a cunning and dishonest item that retains a record of everything it has seen. She had no idea that this mirror had a fatal secret. The story develops as Karan deals with the fallout from her choices.


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