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A Woman of No Importance
A Woman of No Importance
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  • Published: 2019
  • Pages: 403
  • ISBN: 9780735225299
  • Downloads: 58
  • Genre: Biography

A Woman of No Importance

Sonia Purnell

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A Woman of No Importance: The Untold Story of the American Spy Who Helped Win World War II by Sonia Purnell is a biographical novel that uncovers the remarkable life of Virginia Hall. She was an American spy whose heroism changed the Second World War. Despite being rejected from the foreign service due to her gender and a prosthetic leg, Virginia Hall talked her way into Churchill’s “ministry of ungentlemanly warfare.” She became the first woman to deploy to occupied France even before the United States officially entered the war.

Known as the “Madonna of the Resistance,” Virginia coordinated a network of spies, sabotaged enemy lines, and recruited guerilla fighters. Her face adorned WANTED posters throughout Europe, yet she refused orders to evacuate, risking her life repeatedly.

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