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Captive of the Wild Hunt
Captive of the Wild Hunt (Heart - A.A. Gordon
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  • Published: September 23, 2023
  • Pages: 623
  • ISBN: 9781777083359
  • Downloads: 1
  • Genre: Fantasy

Captive of the Wild Hunt

A.A. Gordon

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The first book in Canadian author A.A. Gordon’s outstanding romance trilogy Heart of the Tithriall is titled “Captive of the Wild Hunt.” The peaceful Summer woods are being plagued by unseen rogues that have entered the Vale, using their magic of cold and rot. A Summer dryad named Ornella has to defend her monarch from the notorious Wild Hunt, which is the Autumn Prince’s retinue.

She unexpectedly survives the encounter and finds herself held prisoner by the horsemen, who are dressed in gargoyle-like armor composed of thorn and bone. Ornella imprisoned in the Autumn Court, has to join forces with her despised captors to battle a more powerful foe that threatens the entire fey kind. The book features engrossing Wild Hunt lore, enemies-to-lovers relationships, and a vivid fantasy universe.

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