Comanche Moon Falling

Comanche Moon Falling

Published: December 21, 2017

Tagged Genres



  • File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 0
  • Total Pages: 237
  • Size: 1.26 MB
  • Reading: 7hr 54min


The second book in Drew McGunn’s Lone Star Reloaded Series is titled ‘Comanche Moon Falling.’ Will saves the Alamo and defies history in this amazing story. But before the festivities can begin, Will is forced to find a way to prevent the frontier from catching fire as evidence of a Comanche uprising—the likes of which have never been seen before—is discovered. This time, he is unsure of what the future will bring, but if there is enough time and his adversaries don’t murder him or remove him from leadership, he might be able to come up with an innovation that will give his troops a fighting chance.


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