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Emerald Blaze
Emerald Blaze
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  • Published: 2020
  • Pages: 313
  • ISBN: 9780062878366
  • Downloads: 4
  • Genre: Fantasy

Emerald Blaze

Ilona Andrews

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Download Emerald Blaze by Ilona Andrews PDF free to download from our website here. Emerald Blaze is the fifth book in the “Hidden Legacy” series, written by Ilona Andrews. The book is a fast-paced urban fantasy novel that follows the story of Catalina Baylor, a Prime magic user, and her journey to recover the lost doses of the Osiris Serum.

The book is filled with twists and revelations, as Catalina and Alessandro Sagredo, the Prime who crushed her heart, embark on a mission to recover the lost doses of the Osiris Serum, facing dangerous enemies.

Emerald Blaze by Ilona Andrews Simple Info

This book got about 23,313 ratings and 2,189 reviews from the Goodreads reader community. It has got 4.46 rating out of a total of 5 stars. And excellent book to read.



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