Greek Myths

Greek Myths

Published: September 9, 2021

Tagged Genres



  • File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 9
  • Total Pages: 388
  • Size: 17.6 MB
  • ISBN: 9781787331655
  • Reading: 12hr 56min


Greek Myths: A New Retelling is a fantastically creative collection of reimagined ‘Greek myths’ by Charlotte Higgins. The narratives in this book are woven by the author as though they were real-life scenes being woven into tapestries by the women who play major roles in them. Tales of creation, Heracles, Theseus, Perseus, the Trojan War, and its aftermath are among these potent mythology.

Athena, Helen, Circe, and Penelope are among the prominent female characters. The book explores a wide range of topics, including magic, gods, people, fanciful animals, and the ancestry of birds and animals.


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