Home > Books > Learning How to Lose, in Six Easy Steps 1-2
Learning How to Lose, in Six Easy Steps 1-2
Learning How to Lose, in Six Ea - Alex Gabriel
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  • Published: January 27, 2015
  • Pages: 199
  • ISBN: 1507605897
  • Genre: Fiction Books

Learning How to Lose, in Six Easy Steps 1-2

Alex Gabriel

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Alex Gabriel’s book “Learning How to Lose, in Six Easy Steps 1-2” is a gripping story that takes place in the world of Japanese pop stars. The main character of the story Ryuu Shiwasuda, is a pop singer who despises defeat and places a high value on his reputation. After Ryuu loses a video game to the happy punster Hiro Takahashi, he is ready to exact revenge. But in his pursuit of winning, he can’t help but be pulled to Hiro’s oddball charm, which arouses unanticipated emotions in him. Themes like love, self-discovery, and competition are all explored in this series.

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