Not My Father's Son: A Family Memoir

Not My Father’s Son: A Family Memoir

Published: 2014


  • File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 12
  • Total Pages: 223
  • Size: 05 MB
  • Reading: 7hr 26min


Not My Father’s Son: A Family Memoir free pdf book download from here. In “Not My Father’s Son: A Family Memoir,” Alan Cumming shares his journey of self-discovery, focusing on his strained relationship with his father and the enigmas of his family lineage.

Invited to a celebrity genealogy show, Cumming hoped to unravel the mystery surrounding his maternal grandfather’s disappearance. However, he found himself facing the grim past of his father, Alex Cumming, a man whose violent nature held his family captive. First published on October 1, 2014, the book is a poignant account of Cumming’s quest to comprehend his past and its influence on his life.

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