Rebel Heart

Rebel Heart

Published: January 1, 2012


  • File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 3
  • Total Pages: 199
  • Size: 1.11MB
  • ISBN: 9781477559642
  • Reading: 6hr 38min


Lizzy Ford’s futuristic romance “Rebel Heart” takes place in the year. Security specialist Lana finds herself alone with a secret she must keep at all costs after nuclear attacks destroy the East Coast. As a result, she decides to entrust Brady, the charismatic and lethal rebel commander, with both her life and her love.

Brady is a lower-class man who works for both the regular army and the insurrection. It will require all of his resources and fortitude to keep Lana safe and prevent himself from falling in love.


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