Star Kissed

Star Kissed

Published: July 15, 2013

Tagged Genres

FantasyYoung Adult


  • File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 1
  • Total Pages: 248
  • Size: 1.17 MB
  • ISBN: 1623783321
  • Reading: 8hr 16min


Lizzy Ford’s novel “Star Kissed” is a future love story. Mandy, the main character, loses her job and believes she has reached her lowest point until a weird storm swallows her plane, taking her and everyone else on board 10,000 years into the future. She has to conceal her identity from the aliens on the planet because the war-torn Earth is unrecognizable.

She must locate Akkadi, the Naki prince, as he is the only one who can send her home. She feels strangely drawn to him despite his icy demeanor and belief that people are beneath him. Despite the challenges it poses to his well-organized life, he is nevertheless unable to shake his obsession with Mandy.


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