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Ship of Destiny
Ship of Destiny
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  • Published: 2000
  • Pages: 804
  • ISBN: 9780553575651
  • Downloads: 64
  • Genre: Adventure

Ship of Destiny

Robin Hobb

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Ship of Destiny is the third and final book in Robin Hobb’s Liveship Traders Trilogy. Much of Bingtown lies in ruins after the night of the Satrap’s disappearance. Factions within Bingtown struggle against each other while holding off the invading Chalcedeans. Ronica Vestrit seeks to unite the Old Traders, New Traders, Three Ships folk, and the ex-slave Tattooed to form a new, independent order.

In the Rain Wilds, the dragon Tintaglia aims to rescue her kind from extinction, appealing to humans for help. Meanwhile, on the liveship Vivacia, secrets unravel as Wintrow learns the truth about liveships’ origins. Kennit’s power grows, and Althea and Brashen sail the mad liveship Paragon in pursuit of Vivacia.

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