Steel Belt The Three Masted Goleta, A Tale of Boston Bay

Steel Belt The Three Masted Goleta, A Tale of Boston Bay

Published: December 12, 2007

Tagged Genres



  • File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 1
  • Total Pages: 96
  • Size: 0.4 MB
  • ISBN: 978-1427011213
  • Reading: 3hr 12min


Written by Joseph Holt Ingraham ‘Steel Belt The Three Masted Goleta, A Tale of Boston Bay’ is a novel. It is set in Boston Bay and comes about Captain Steel Belt, the captain of a three-masted Goleta. The plot is about the captain’s journey and his encounters with pirates, storms, and other dangers at sea. The book sustains a glimpse into the maritime history of Boston Bay and the life of sailors during that era.


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