The Man Who Could Move Clouds

The Man Who Could Move Clouds

Published: 2022


  • File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 4
  • Total Pages: 817
  • Size: 4.73 MB
  • ISBN: 9780385546669
  • Reading: 27hr 14min


The Man Who Could Move Clouds book can be downloaded in PDF version from here or you can read the book online. Ingrid Rojas Contreras’ memoir, “The Man Who Could Move Clouds,” is a captivating account of her family’s extraordinary heritage. Growing up in Colombia during the political unrest of the 1980s and ’90s, she was accustomed to the unusual. Her grandfather, Nono, was a respected curandero or healer, possessing “the secrets” – the ability to communicate with the dead, predict the future, heal the sick, and even move clouds.

This legacy seemed exclusive to her mother and grandfather until Rojas Contreras, living in the U.S. in her twenties, suffered a head injury resulting in amnesia. As she recovered partial memory, her family revealed a similar incident had occurred with her mother, who, post-recovery, had gained access to “the secrets.” The book is a testament to the healing power of storytelling and an invitation to embrace the extraordinary.


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