The Steele Wolf

The Steele Wolf

Published: December 31, 2012


  • File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 0
  • Total Pages: 199
  • Size: 1.22 MB
  • Reading: 6hr 38min


The second novel in the Iron Butterfly series is “The Steele Wolf,” written by Chanda Hahn. Thalia; the main character of the tale, gets used to her new life at the Citadel until she runs into her father again and finds out she’s engaged to a guy she can’t remember.

Despite her lost memories and sense of alienation, she needs to demonstrate her leadership to her clan. Thalia joins Joss and Kael on a perilous quest to rescue Joss’s sister who has been abducted, which takes them to the historic floating city of Skyfell, as betrayal breaks out within her clan.


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