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The Winter Queen
The Winter Queen
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  • Published: January 1, 1998
  • Pages: 204
  • ISBN: 9780753817599
  • Downloads: 2
  • Genre: Crime Books

The Winter Queen

Boris Akunin

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The first book in the Erast Fandorin series of historical detective stories is “The Winter Queen,” written by Boris Akunin. The story which takes place in 1870s Russia, opens with a beautiful noblewoman witnessing the suicide of a university student. The student will bequeath his wealth to the recently established Astair House Moscow branch, a global network of institutions catering to the needs of orphan boys.

Erast Fandorin, a 20-year-old rookie detective conducts an investigation and discovers a global conspiracy. He discovers the strange term “Azazel” and a mystery assassin with white eyes as he digs deeper. Russia in the nineteenth century is beautifully brought to life by this intriguing story.

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