Too Hard - Alexa Riley

Too Hard

Published: April 5, 2019


  • File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 4
  • Total Pages: 93
  • Size: 0.7 MB
  • Reading: 3hr 6min


The sultry romance “Too Hard” by Alexa Riley centers on Harlow Harrison, who recently moved into a new apartment. Harlow thinks she can manage everything by herself, but after a major water leak, she concludes that some tasks are best left to the experts. The man who saves her Butch Barton, is preoccupied with managing his business and raising his twin adopted sons.

Harlow and Butch are attracted to one another despite their age differences, which results in a romance full of ardor and desire. As they give in to what their bodies have been pleading for, the book chronicles their journey.


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