Super Sourdough

Super Sourdough

Published: 2019


  • File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 6
  • Total Pages: 381
  • Size: 27.77 MB
  • Reading: 12hr 42min


Free pdf book download called “Super Sourdough” from here, or read it online. This book is written by James Morton is an all-encompassing guide that simplifies the process of baking sourdough bread. Morton, a fervent baker and fermentation specialist, explains the process in easy-to-understand steps suitable for novices and seasoned bakers alike. The book comprehensively covers topics from initiating starters, understanding the role of different flours and hydration, to kneading, shaping, proofing, scoring, and baking. It aims to assist bakers in achieving the ideal crust and crumb with over 40 diverse sourdough recipes, including basic breads, rolls, baguettes, bagels, and buns. The book serves as a long-term reference tool for bakers.


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