The Hare

The Hare

Published: January 1, 1991

Tagged Genres



  • File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 1
  • Total Pages: 183
  • Size: 0.8 MB
  • ISBN: 9781852422912
  • Reading: 6hr 6min


César Aira presents English naturalist Clarke in his engrossing book ‘The Hare,’ from the eighteenth century. Clarke travels over the Argentine pampas in pursuit of the elusive Legibrerian Hare. There is a story that these hares have a special ability—they can fly. Clarke finds more than what first appears when he looks into the sightings that the local Indians have reported. The book is a nuanced commentary on the state of humanity as it skillfully combines themes of love, language, and colonial dependency. This novel is a thrilling investigation of mystery and adventure, and César Aira proves to be a worthy successor to Borges with his wit and cynicism.