Wean in 15 By Joe Wicks

Wean in 15

Published: 2020

Tagged Genres



  • File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 11
  • Total Pages: 291
  • Size: 48.87 MB
  • ISBN: 9781529016338
  • Reading: 9hr 42min


Wean in 15 By Joe Wicks download the free PDF copy of this book from here. Joe Wicks’ “Wean in 15” is an introductive guide for parents who are transitioning their babies to solid foods. It includes 100 recipes that are not only nutritious but also tasty, catering to the diverse taste buds of babies.

The book also offers advice on how to handle food allergies, the importance of certain nutrients, and strategies to manage picky eaters. The aim is to make the weaning process enjoyable for the entire family.


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